WP Title |
Development of Nb-Ti quadrupole
magnet prototype |
Activity type |
Participants |
WP Leader |
S. Russenschuck (CERN) |
Person-months |
193 |
Objectives |
The objective is the design, the
development, the manufacture and test of the NbTi quadrupole for
the interaction regions of the LHC upgrade for higher
A new inner triplet layout has been recently proposed [LHC
Project report 1000], which serves as a basis of this proposal.
In this proposal, each triplet is composed of four quadrupoles
all of the same cross section with an inner bore of 130 mm and
with two different magnet lengths: (8 and 9 m). For comparison,
the present layout features quadrupoles of 70 mm wide aperture,
with two different lengths, two different cross sections and
different operating currents. In the new design the operating
current will be the same, allowing the triplet to be powered in
series. This design allows room for reducing physical
bottle-necks occurring in other critical component of the
machine (e.g. the collimation aperture).
While the peak field remains essentially unchanged, it is
limited by the intrinsic properties of the NbTi, i.e. less than
10 T of peak field, the energy and the forces considerably
increase with respect to the present design and reach limits so
far unexplored for NbTi quadrupoles. These reasons, as well as
the necessity to qualify the procedures and the actual field
quality, all demand that at least one short model
(one-meter-long), be manufactured and cold tested before
proceeding to the construction and test of a full scale
prototype. This will be a complete magnet with cryostat and all
necessary equipment like corrector magnets and it will be the
base for preparing the manufacture of the 16 quadrupoles needed
for the 2 high luminosity interaction regions (ATLAS and CMS).
WP description (pdf) |
Milestones and Deliverables